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May I introduce myself?



Why am I looking for a new field of activity?

Because I too lost my job because of the Corona Pandemic. The management of First Christmas was forced to take this step because there were not enough projects to work on.

This decision is understandable. But very sad for me personally.

Now I am looking for new challenges.

I would very much like to continue to work creatively and use my talents and skills profitably.

Whether in the field of theatre, decoration, design - I am completely open.

I have a wide range of interests and a broad general education. I am always curious and enjoy learning about new subjects.

I would mention my quick perception as a particular advantage.

Due to my multiple business travels to the middle east (Qatar, UAE, Bahrain) and Africa (Kenia, Egypt) and destinations all over Europe (Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Poland, etc.) i was able to learn a lot of different cultures, traditions and religions, which influenced my designs. I am very open minded, which allows me to adept new styles and influences immidiatly.

All of this makes it easy for me to quickly develop sustainable concepts, tailored to the needs of the client and suitable for the respective situation.

I would also like to prove this to you.

Perhaps I have aroused your interest and you would like to invite me for a personal interview?